Monday, 11 May 2020

New Cancer Wigwams and an 'Exercise for Well-being' forum

New website
I'm delighted to say that we have finally launched our new Wigwam Cancer Support website in the UK. I have been involved a little with the content and launch as I helped start one of the first three Yes to Life Wigwams - they are, as our website says, "a community of people living with cancer coming together to explore and share information and experiences with the aim of empowering them to gain control over their lives. A place to meet people locally, to share and provide mutual support."
Richard Mayon-White, who had cancer in 2016 said: “The idea was that a wigwam provides shelter that is flexible, with an informal style and not fixed in any one place. The way that the poles of a wigwam lean inwards to support each other illustrates how a successful group can offer care and help to its members”.

That support Richard mentions, is what we do in our wonderful Stroud group with some nine or ten members. I have found the group hugely supportive, knowledgeable, non-judgemental, fun and more - particularly when we have been exploring together complimentary approaches as well as the orthodox approaches to treatment. There seems to be very few places where people can come together to talk about complimentary approaches - often approaches that are pretty standard in other parts of the world. 

I'd love to see Wigwams spread across the country. I'm hoping very much that this website launch will start that spread around the country; initially people can sign up and join our forums like the one this Wednesday but also express an interest in joining a group.

See the website where you can read more about the groups and sign up:

Register now for 'Exercise for Well-being' forum
As part of our nationwide launch of Wigwam, Yes to Life are delighted to bring you a second Online Forum, this time with special guest Lizzy Davis.

13 May, 16:00 – 17:00 UK time

Lizzy Davis is a Cancer Exercise Specialist with many years of experience. I joined her session at Trew Fields last year and was impressed by her sense, enthusiasm, fun and clear straight-forward approach to exercise.  As regular blog readers will know exercise is one of the key areas that I think we can do better at supporting people. See the 'exercise' tag to read more.

Update; 29/05/20: You can listen to this talk by registering with Yes to Life's Wigwam Support Groups:

See our first forum details re 'fear' here

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