Friday, 8 May 2020

Peter Starr on Yes to Life Show

Peter Starr, author and filmmaker, famous in the world of prostate cancer for his DVD set “Surviving Prostate Cancer without Surgery, Drugs or Radiation” (i) with 56 doctors from 8 countries on 3 continents. I haven’t managed to see the film so I was delighted to catch him on the Yes to Life, UK Health Radio Show last week. You can listen to the interview with Robin Daly at:

Peter was diagnosed in 2004, age 61 - I think he said Gleason 7 with a low PSA (not that that is always a useful measure - see my previous blog here). He opted out of traditional treatments, surgery, radiation, and drugs, and instead explored alternative methods to defeating his prostate cancer. In the process this led him to making the film which was frequently broadcast on Public Service Stations in the US. He also now says he doesn't think he would have had a biopsy had he known (see my blog on biopsies here).

Robert Verkerk PhD of the Alliance of Natural Health wrote of the DVDs in 2012 (ii), "When I eventually found the space to watch the movie, I quickly realised just what a feat Peter had accomplished. From the sheer amount of information and advice, from the quality, breadth and range of clinician, researcher and patient’s views amalgamated, to the immaculate  computer graphics used to help men to understand both how prostate cancer develops and how it is typically."

Peter Starr
In the interview with Robin Daly, Peter shared some of his journey with a complete change in his diet and lifestyle plus some of the new treatments since the film like HIFU and Photodynamic Therapy that are increasingly available. Peter is very soon to publish a up-to-date book 'Prostate Cancer: Why We Get It, What To Do About it’ (iii) which will present the latest developments in treating prostate cancer and apparently will lay out a case for avoiding traditional treatments. He is, however also very clear, as he says at the end of the DVD, “You can change the outcome of your disease by changing your lifestyle. But none of what you have learned from this documentary should take the place of consulting a qualified physician.”


(iii) Link to Peter’s new book:

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