Saturday, 25 April 2020

Wigwam Cancer Support Forum online 'Dealing with Fear'

As part of the nationwide launch of Wigwam Support groups the Yes to Life charity is trialling its first Wigwam Cancer Support Forum - with Jessica Richards ‘Dealing with Fear - the most deadly virus of all.’ 

In Stroud we have ten members in our Wigwam group that meets every month - we are one of four groups nationally and I'm heoping we can extend Wigwams to more places.

Here's the description: "In these volatile times, in which cancer patients have been told their treatments are on hold for at least three months, many are understandably asking similar questions and facing common fears. Jessica Richards knows first-hand what it’s like to be faced with a life and death situation, with having to make choices against the odds, whilst maintaining mental discipline and presence of mind.

"Diagnosed with cancer in 2007, with a below average chance of surviving beyond 5 years with medical treatment, and no chance of survival without, Jessica decided on a radical route to manage her illness, with little or no support. 13 years on she is a testament to her choices and ability to remain present and in possession of self in the midst of condemnation and ridicule from the outside world.

Some of members of Stroud Wigwam
"For many years Jessica has been a go-to volunteer for charities such as Yes to Life and CancerActive, as well as for providers such as Cancer Options and the Vision of Hope Clinic, and many cancer groups and individuals.

"Jessica approached Robin Daly of Yes to Life with the idea of an online Q&A forum to address the most pressing questions from individuals in these most challenging times, as a way to reach out to as many as possible. She can help with ways to develop the mental discipline to remain present  and in possession of self, with developing and using the placebo effect, and she will share her practical experience of how to take control of your situation and utilise this opportunity to enhance your immune system, mental attitude and wellbeing.

"Jessica Richards is an expert in personal Transformation and Leadership Mentoring. Using her unique “Changing the Groundhog Day’ approach she breaks the unconscious patterns of self-limiting belief programmes which dominate and create most of our experiences. 

"Jessica has been in practice for 36 years – the last 29 being in Harley Street. After 36 years and thousands of hours working with individuals and groups, she helps others achieve significant transformation in both their personal and professional lives. She has always pointed to mental attitude as being the no1 asset in managing any situation, no matter how frightening it may appear. Her practical approach and experience teaches how to develop and maintain the mental discipline to stay focussed and present, and avoid becoming a victim of fear.

"Her book The Topic of Cancer is selling around the world and she is a contributing author to The Cancer Revolution by Patricia Peat for Yes to Life".

Update; 25/04/20: You can listen to this talk by registering with Yes to Life's Wigwam Support Groups:

I'll be there....4 to 4.45pm on 29th April British Summer Time - Participants are anonymous. Questions are via the chat function on zoom or by email in advance. Register at:

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