Sunday, 6 January 2019

Stroud Wigwam launched!

Wigwam is a cancer support group with a difference. It is a community of people living with cancer coming together to explore and share information and experiences. It is about exploring orthodox, complimentary and alternative approaches, and about empowering ourselves and gaining more control over our lives.

Wigwams are supported by Yes to Life, the UK’s integrative cancer care charity - and it looks like Stroud is amongst one of the first places in the UK to establish a group. We’ve met a couple of times - but really we are just starting out - and there is room for more Wigwamers!

Some of our Wigwamers are happy to share some of their knowledge and skills about fermenting or infrared saunas. What ideas have you? Understanding nutrition? Ways to relax? A walk? Sharing a book?

Join us for a chat 2pm on the first Friday of the month. For details and more info contact Philip on 01453 755451 or Sharon on 07887 487050. Update 07/02/2020: we have changed the times wemeet but give me a call and I can let you know.

See also great downloadable description of Wigwams on yes to Life website:

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