Friday, 11 October 2019

One in Four Black Men will get Prostate Cancer

That headline is shocking - and we still don't know why that is the case. For the rest of guys the stats are one in eight will get prostate cancer. It was great to see our Cotswolds Prostate Cancer Support Group getting out to talk to folk at the Jamaica Independence Day celebrations in August.  They were there raising awareness and encouraging folk to have their PSA checked.  You can read more about the national campaign here.

Update 28/01/20: a new study shows that African American men have similar survival rates to white counterparts if they have equal access to healthcare. This is disturbing to find that survival rates may have so much to do with access to care - see here (i).

Update 19/10/20: Study seeks to find out why black men develop prostate cancer at twice the rate of other men:

I've got two of my films below, the first with the Support Group at the Jamaica Day celebrations saying a bit about their group and the second is a couple of clips from the amazing Trew Fields Festival and a talk about Cultural Challenges for Ethnic Minorities. The talk was hugely challenging as there is so much work that needs to be done to increase understanding. I applaud Saima Thompson and Leanne Pero for encouraging and campaigning for that understanding. You can see more from Saima Thompson at and more from Leanne Pero at There is also a 'BAME Cancer Support' group on Facebook. Lastly there is a report free to download from Malecare here

Update 14/06/20: Just uploaded is the whole talk by Leanne Pero & Saima Thompson on  'Cancer: cultural challenges for ethnic minorities':



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