Monday, 8 January 2024

Art and cancer - we want your submissions!

Launching Issue 3 - Stroud Wigwam Support Group
Flourish, the magazine by and for the cancer community, have launched an open call for submissions for the fourth issue of the free print and digital magazine, around the theme of ‘Balance’. The call-out is open to those affected by cancer, either themselves or through loved ones, inviting contributions of art, creative writing, photography, music, film, dance and more. 

Some time ago I was inspired by several magazines from The Hive that used art to tackle cancer subjects like body image and sex. Well with support from a local charity Artlift and the national integrative cancer care charity Yes to Life we launched in June 2022 - see details here. Since then we've had funding from Macmillian, The Lottery and the Arts Council - and support from many including Glos Health nd Care NHS Foundation - so far covered we've had issues on 'Nourish', 'Connections' and 'Movement' - we are now working on 'Balance' - and I'm hoping to get to more taboo topics in the future!

We’ve now got another open call for submissions for the next issue of Flourish. No prior experience is necessary to submit to the magazine but something around balance and cancer. We’ve been overwhelmed by the incredible creativity of our contributors so far, we feature everyone from experienced artists and writers to those who’ve never done anything creative before.  

Our press releases on this have had several quotes including our wonderful Editor-in-Chief Natalie Beech, saying:  “One thing that’s been particularly interesting is how diverse the cancer experience is; we have funny submissions, sad ones, abstract ones – everyone's experience is different and we aim to reflect that in the magazine. If you have experience of cancer - we’d love to hear from you.”  

Another quote comes from Gloucestershire based contributor Sheran Joy, whose poetry is featured in Issue 2. She said: “As someone who has only ever shared my love of rhyming with close friends, it’s great to gain confidence from having my words shared. The thought that they might help others smile in the face of adversity is truly wonderful. Writing helped me to face and express my fears, and to find the relief of humour. I hope this is useful, I really value the opportunity to be part of this amazing publication.”

Flourish Magazine is a free print and digital magazine from integrative cancer care charity Yes to Life and creative health charity Artlift. Each themed edition aims to explore the benefits of an integrative and creative approach to living with cancer and features a range of resources, creative responses, expert information and interviews that offer support and reflect the diversity of the cancer experience. 

The print magazine is free and distributed across Gloucestershire and the Bristol area, available to pick up at locations including many GP surgeries, Oncology departments and charities like Charlie’s and Maggie’s and more. I see that issue 3 has already disappeared from many locations - but no fear the magazine is also available to read for free online. 

Previous magazines available at:

Press and submissions contact: Natalie Beech / 

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