Friday, 29 December 2023

Baldness and prostate health?!

Here's info I hadn't come across before....the connection between 'vertex baldness ie hair loss at the crown of your head and aggressive prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, found that men with moderate baldness at the front and crown of their head by age 45 were found to have up to a 40% higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer compared to their non-balding counterparts. This was supported by other studies.

The reasons for this seem to be linked to hormones...both conditions are influenced by dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent form of testosterone - although there is still little understanding about how this works. See more in this article here.

We still have lots to learn...another 'strange' connection is that there is some evidence showing that the taller people are during adulthood and the more people weighed at birth, the higher their risk of prostate cancer. Well I was a big baby and tall now but no sign of baldness.....

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