Sunday, 18 November 2018

Meeting Megan

In this film made by Megan Bendell, she talks about her Documentary Photography projects. One of these was her highly intimate 'Oh, Mama'; a photographic documentation of terminal cancer and her families' positivity and support throughout. The pictures are very moving and capture love, grief and so much more. 

I heard about Megan through a friend in the local cancer support group and readily signed up to be one of the subjects of her third year University project. This is an extension of the ‘Oh Mama’ project looking at people living with cancer and their supporters - capturing images but also something of their story. She arrived at our house and we didn’t stop talking. I loved her insights into health, cancer and life, but also her professionalism and sensitivity when we got down to the photos. 

I felt more people should hear about her amazing work so asked if she might capture a few words on video - hence the film. Megan is currently based in Cheltenham so I’m hoping we might be able to see more of her work - and of course the project when it is finished later this year. I reckon she is a Documentary Photographer to look out for! See more about Megan at:

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