Sunday, 1 December 2024

Getting the oral microbiome right

Last year I posted a link to a video about the importance of dental care - see here - it seems our oral microbiome is increasingly been seen as a key element in our health. Anyone interested in this could do well to listen to this podcast with Dr Victoria Sampson (pictured) - nearly 800,000 views in the last two weeks since it's been out: 

A friend has recently seen Victoria Sampson and shared how useful the test of her oral microbiome was - sadly at £350 a pop it is likely to be out of reach of many but it is exciting to see this field develop. In the video Victoria shares what you can do to look after your teeth and much more. 

We have known for a while about the importance of the microbiome and cancer - here's a paper from 2019 that looks at the health of the microbiome and how that impacts on prostate cancer. Consideration of the oral microbiome is newer - who knew we even had one of those?!! 

Research is at a very early stage but here's a paper from 2020 saying: "Several meta-analyses have confirmed the suspicion that periodontal disease should be considered as a risk factor in several types of cancers. In fact in a meta-analysis by Corbella et al., they found that a statistically significant association was found for all cancers studied, both combined and individually (digestive tract, pancreatic, prostate, breast, corpus uteri, lung, hematological, esophageal/oropharyngeal and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma)."

One study from 2022 looking at pancreatic cancer notes: "In summary, poor oral health, oral microbial dysbiosis and the development and progression of PC are interlinked. However, the underlying mechanisms of the oral microbiota’s influence in PC diagnosis and treatment have yet to be elucidated. Thus, these data beg for further research, particularly as it relates to mechanisms, human diversity and the implementation of precision medicine."

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