Sunday, 14 May 2023

Book of Cancer blogs just out

I've just seen that Yes to Life's new book is out..."Kitchen Cancer Talks. Shared Stories, Same Experiences" with a foreword from Patricia Peat. It will no doubt help to raise funds for the charity.

I've not seen it but I understand it has several of my blogs in the book along with many others from Yes to Life's Wigwam group members and supporters including nutritionists and even a Naturopathic Oncologist. While everyone’s story is unique to them, the experiences and emotions that accompany being diagnosed with cancer and the journey to find an integrative path will be recognized by many. The power of shared experiences enables us to see we are not alone in our thinking.

Robin Daly, the Chair and Founder off the charity writes: "These posts are simply too valuable to pass by as ephemera. The quality of the writing is consistently high, and the sheer breadth of the content results in an inspirational resource that you can dip into at any time. Open up anywhere and you are likely to be led into territory you’ve not explored, and to have new avenues to health and wellbeing open up."

Get book (£6 kindle and £20 paperback) at:

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