Sunday, 30 August 2020

Free online Forums re Integrative Health; starting with Gut Health

The first Forum
I've been working a few hours a week with Wigwam - 'a cancer support group with a difference'.  We have just launched an exciting programme of fortnightly Forums and monthly Webinars with expert speakers on a wide range of topics including what you need to know before chemo and radiotherapy treatment, sugar, fatigue, vocal toning, human connection, dance, mindfulness and looking in more detail at integrative approaches. 

All the events will be on Zoom and have plenty of time for questions. They are all bookable free via the Wigwam website on our Forums and Webinar page.

Our first Forum will be looking at one of the most important aspects of our health; our gut. The role of gut health is critical in our immunity, recovery, stress and nutrient absorption. What can we do to maximise gut health? There are now so many studies on our gut microbiota - the tens of trillions of microorganisms that coexist in our gastrointestinal system. We can see, for example, that imbalances in our gut microbiome, or dysbiosis, can cause less microbial diversity in favour of disease-promoting microbes. Indeed between 15-20 percent of human cancers may be attributable to microbial infection (Lancet Oncol 2012;13(6):607-615). So improving our gut health can be critical in our approach to preventing and managing cancer. Find out more in this talk with time for questions.
This first session will be with Leyla El Moudden, who regularly contributes to a range of health publications, works for The Really Healthy Company and has previously been President of Association of Naturopathic Practitioners and Short Courses Director of the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Leyla will also be leading our monthly Webinars on a Thursday on a range of topics.

Book at:

You can see more on our website about how to join our Wigwam Cancer Support Groups or our regular group sessions like mindfulness.
Also our biggest event is coming up - the incredible “Your Life and Cancer” weekends, 26-28th Sept and 10-12th October. To get a sneak preview and early bird tickets go to:

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