Thursday, 16 September 2021

Where to start? Nutrition, fear and exercise?

I've been meaning to write about my diet/nutrition - but it is such a huge topic it feels daunting to start any blog on that topic. I've therefore been delighted to see Penny Browns recent series of webinars with several focusing on prostate cancer - several done in conjunction with Prostate Cancer Research and Tackle Prostate Cancer

The nutrition webinar is basic and for me was close to where I started in terms of my own diet - since then I've built on that and do various other things to support it like additional supplements, juicing and some key foods. I'm also more rigourous around avoiding or eating certain foods than this webinar suggests but it is for each of us to find our own path. There is just not one size fits all diet for cancer. However this webinar is a great place to get hold of the basics - it is easier then to add/tinker/change....

I've written lots before one exercise as it is absolutely key - again this video is great at spelling out the key stuff you need to know.

Lastly I've also covered fear a few times as that is another key factor to try and get sorted - I love what Sophie Sabbage has to say in this webinar.

Big thanks to Penny Brohn. Here are the links to the three webinars that seem a particularly good place to start if recently diagnosed:

You can also check out there other webinars at:

You might also like to see my blog on 'Getting the basics right':

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