Friday, 23 October 2020

Starving cancer; new documentary

This excellent 30 minute film below 'Should We Starve Terminal Cancer’ came out earlier this month on YouTube. This documentary follows Yvonne's experience of starving her cancer, alongside the NHS standard of care. She uses cheap, existing drugs - sometimes called ‘off-label’ - typically used for diabetes or as anti-malarials - alongside a plant-based diet and supplements.

More than two years ago I met and talked to Jane McLelland, author of the book, ‘How to Starve Cancer’. She was one of the first, if not the first, to share her story and learning about how to starve her cancer. You can see my brief film with her here (i). Jane's website summarises her journey: "Diagnosed with terminal cancer in the prime of her life, and with no viable treatment options, she used herself as a human guinea pig, putting together a cocktail of low toxicity drugs, not normally used for cancer, alongside a low glycaemic diet and powerful supplements. These ‘starved’ her cancer of glucose, glutamine and fat, which she demonstrates with her ingenious, easy-to-follow ‘McLelland Metro Map’."

Jane now has over 31,000 followers on her Facebook page, her book is being republished, she has won an ‘Amazing Women Global’ life-time achievement award for her work and she is also launching a course in the next weeks - I’m already signed up.  

It is Jane’s approach of starving cancer that is the basis of this film - and Yvonne now believes she is living a healthier life with her cancer than she was before her diagnosis. The documentary investigates various aspects of starving cancer, and speaks to those who swear by it and totally refute it. I think it is a powerful and hugely informative film - a great introduction to what is a very complex field. I would strongly recommend it as a starting point to understanding this approach more. Big thanks to the documentary’s producer, Saffron Amis and director, Frederick Ferguson.


You can get 40% of the book now on Jane's website and sign up for her newsletters:

1 comment:

  1. This is useful:


Understanding testosterone

As we know blocking testosterone production halts tumour growth in early disease, while elevating the hormone can delay disease progression ...