Sunday, 22 September 2024

Latest edition of 'cancer art magazine' Flourish launched

We just launched this week the latest issue of Flourish; our creative magazine by and for the cancer community. It’s a beautiful issue tackling our complex relationship with our bodies through a stunning array of art, poetry, photography, and personal stories that are both empowering and deeply moving. 

It is a great privilege to be part of publishing this magazine - do take a look online - and some real life copies available across Bristol/Gloucestershire area in oncology wards and GP surgeries. However this latest issue we were unable to publish as many issues as usual - but hopefully back to normal with our next issue in new year with the theme 'mind'. Take a look at latest issue for details of how you can help contribute to our next issue.

See more at:

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Tobacco links leads to Economist Group cancer conference being cancelled

As a member of the international cancer patient advocates organisation, Inspire2Live, I have supported their moves to challenge the Economist Group over links to two 'big tobacco' companies. It was great to hear this week, following letters and phone calls (many from patient advocates) that speakers and attendees withdrew from the 10th annual World Cancer Series conference in Brussels - this seems to have quickly led to the conference being cancelled.

It does seem beyond extraordinary that this sponsorship could have been entertained when we know that over 25% of cancers globally are linked to tobacco.

Today the Guardian newspaper reports on the cancelling of the conference - see here:

One of the quotes is from Mark Lawler, a professor of digital health at Queen’s University Belfast and chair of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership. He said he was stunned to find out about the links. “Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the Economist Impact, which runs the world cancer series event, which I was due to speak at in Brussels, was supported not by one, but by two international cigarette companies – Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International. I was livid and immediately withdrew from the event.“In what world can an organisation seriously think it is all right to run a prominent cancer event, bringing together world experts, while also taking sponsorship from a company whose product has caused millions of cancer deaths worldwide? Absolutely shocking.”

Update 26.9.24: Guardian shares more of the story as calls for wider boycott take shape:

Meanwhile just a reminder that Yes to Life's conference is next Saturday 28th Sept looking at the latest developments in Integrative Medicine - no tobacco sponsorship at this one! See more at

Find out more about peer-to-peer support groups

As regular blog readers will know I used to work for Yes to Life and help establish their cancer support groups in real life and online. To ...